Since The Blot was a little kid one of the highlight of any trip was stopping by the local
Hard Rock Café. For some reason it stuck and I still hit up the joints whenever there’s one around. Some of my friends joke I’m quite the connoisseur of Hard Rock memorabilia. With that being said I can’t explain missing out on some really important Hard Rock Café news. On June 2nd in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina the first ever rock ‘n roll amusement park, the
Hard Rock Park, will have its grand opening. The grand opening event will feature a special performance by The Eagles on June 2nd and The Moody Blues on June 3rd. (
link) For those interested in checking out the park one day, daily admission is $50.00 per person (children under 3 are free) or you can buy an annual pass for $150.00.

According to the Hard Rock Café’s website, the “Hard Rock Park is the first new major theme park to be built in the U.S. in nearly a decade. It celebrates the spirit of rock 'n' roll by boasting more than 50 thrilling rides and attractions for rockers of all ages. The unprecedented marriage of rock and large-scale entertainment is highlighted by the incorporation of various pieces of music memorabilia history throughout the park.” (
link) I’m not really sure America is clamoring for another theme park, especially one based on rock & roll. But you never know, maybe Americans are looking for a new excuse to head to Myrtle Beach. I’m just wondering how you get there? Can you fly directly to Myrtle Beach or do you have to fly to a neighboring city and then drive?

I just think its probably poor timing to be opening this amusement park now as it seems the U.S. is heading towards a recession and when that happens the first thing people strike from their budgets are road trips to theme parks of questionable quality. I am interested in seeing how the Hard Rock Park turns out though and will probably try to head out that way before its untimely demise. While I was in law school at the University of Alabama I had planned on taking a trip to Philadelphia, Mississippi, just a few hours away from campus, to check out a newly opened Hard Rock beach club. Philadelphia, MS is a small town whose main attraction is two fully functioning casinos.

Now why Hard Rock chose that town to open a quasi-resort that was no where near the water is a question I’ll never be able to answer, especially when there are bigger and better cities with casinos in Mississippi in which to launch a new attraction. Needless to say, that Hard Rock resort closed up shop before I ever had a chance to go. Hopefully the Hard Rock Park will be around a little bit longer so The Blot can finally take a trip to the Palmetto state.