After a lackluster Season 6 the news that almost two years would pass before the next season began seems like almost a death blow to the revolutionary real-time show. It’s amazing the ups and downs this show has had over its 6 year run. From its first season which defied critics who said a real-time show could never make it to Season 5 which set an all new high for the Kiefer Sutherland action/drama, the show has continued to do well while going through cast members like water (with a fatality rate much higher than even Lost for those of you counting at home).

While the show has once again made Sutherland a star, there were reports of growing concern as to the direction Season 7 was taking and the increasing budget to make 24 work. Hopefully with the extended break and the additional two hours the 24 movie brings the writers and producers will be able to get the show back on track and Jack Bauer can do what he does best, save the world from total destruction.