One memorable quote he spouted was “Start selling the T-shirts now, all the marketing people, I’m giving you this one for free. ‘The Sun will rise in Phoenix.’ Start selling them now, $9.99 at the Phoenix Suns store.” (link) Of course I headed over to the Phoenix Suns store later on that day and unfortunately the organization didn’t move fast enough to capitalize on the greatness that is Shaq. Instead, all I found were some O’Neal Jerseys and a few t-shirts I wouldn’t be caught dead in.

Thankfully, the website Shirt-a-Day hasn’t left The Blot hanging. Today they’ve unveiled their own unique Shaq t-shirt designed for free by O’Neal himself. The shirt is definitely a keeper, but I need more people to buy it to lower the price so I can then purchase mine later today. Check out the Shaq/Phoenix Suns shirt below as well as another awesome shirt, an 18-1 shirt in New York Giants script created by the crew over at Shirt-a-Day. Whether you’re a “Giants fan or a Patriot hater,” this shirts for you! (link)