Wow, the concert no one was clamoring for is already back less than a year later. The fact that The Police are already coming back to Houston this fast means they feel like there is more blood and money to suck out of their nostalgia “reunion” act and Police fans hoping to catch a glimpse of their past. I’m really disappointed in Sting, Andy and Stewart, mostly because the show I saw last June was at Houston’s Toyota Center was kind of a let down. I was expecting so much out of their reunion tour and the show just felt really flat. On top of that, The Police are still selling memberships to their fan club for the ability to purchase pre-sale tickets for the low, low price of $99.99! Who wants to join the fan club of a band that just got back together for one very long reunion tour!?! Plus you still have to pay $225 per ticket after that.

I will admit it was cool to see The Police in concert, but it wasn’t worth $550 plus service fees and tax to see them! Thankfully Al and I got lucky and scalped great tickets for way below face value. I can never tell with a reunion tours like this if demand is really that high or, like with the Hannah Montana concerts, if scalpers are just buying up all the tickets, therefore lowering availability to the general public an pushing price sky high. The show at the Toyota Center was packed, but I wonder what the actual price the average person was paying per ticket.

At least now with the show being at The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion the worst seats in the house will be law seats at $47.00 a ticket. This is so much better than the worst seats at the Toyota Center which were behind the stage staring at the band’s sweaty backs! And don’t even try to tell me the stage was “in the round,” I’d say Sting walked back there and looked at the audience behind the stage for maybe 10-15 minutes of the show. How they charged people $90 a ticket for those seats is beyond me. The Police should offer those people refunds or at least give them free lawn seats. The fans sitting there were most definitely sold those tickets on the premise that this was The Police’s only stop in Houston on their reunion tour.

With the band now touring indefinitely and already back in Houston I’d imagine a lot of people would not have bought those tickets if they didn’t think this was their one and only chance to see The Police together on stage. I just can’t imagine there are more people out there willing to pay $500+ to see The Police who didn’t already see them the first time they were in town. If there are people out there paying that much to see them again then more power to them, but I’d recommend for a better listening experience busting out some of your old Police cds and rocking out at home.

The only redeeming part of going to see The Police this time around is the opening band. This time they are joined by the legendary Elvis Costello & The Imposters. I’ve always loved Costello’s music, and there is no doubt in my mind he’ll put on a great show. It’s unfortunate he wasn’t on tour with Police last time around. Last June we got stuck watching Sting’s son perform with his band Fiction Plane, who were just plain horrible and gave a totally unintelligible performance.