So The Blot was reading Erin Martell’s review of this week’s episode “Confirmed Dead” over at AOL’s TV Squad and she brings up a major mystery/question that had not even occurred to me. Why was it that Naomi had a picture of Desmond and Penny with her when she parachuted down to the island when Miles, who was carrying a picture of Ben, clearly states that their mission is to find and capture Ben? (link)While it wouldn’t shock me to find out that there is more to their mission than Miles is currently letting on, the bigger question now is what does Desmond have to do with the people from the boat’s mission (a.k.a. the Freighties)? (link) This also brings up the sub-questions of how did Naomi know about Desmond being on the island in the first place and how did her group find out that Penny was looking for him? It’s all very peculiar indeed, and something I’ll be very interested to find out more about in the coming weeks.