Was it me or did the episode feel like there was more Flash Forward story being told than story taking place on the island? Don’t get me wrong, I loved every second of it, I just couldn’t recall another episode where it appeared the Flash Forward was the primary storyline. I won’t get into too many details in case some readers of The Blot Says… have not yet watched “The Economist,” but there are a few issues I have to discuss before we get to this week’s episode.

1. After this episode’s final scene we can now mark off my leading choice for whose body was in the coffin in last year’s season finale. I’m now moving my vote to a new character who should be making a huge impact very shortly.
2. Ok, so did anyone else think the fact Sayid took such an interest in Naomi’s bracelet was just a little too obvious and coincidental? I mean come on, that had to be leading somewhere but I thought it was forced and came together way too fast. He should have found the bracelet the week before and then seen the similar bracelet in his Flash Forward this week.

3. I cannot wait to see how all of this connects to Desmond and what he and Sayid find on the freighter…that is if the helicopter doesn’t get thrown off by the magical properties of the island and even makes it to the freighter. We’ve only heard Fisher Steven’s character to date from the satellite phone so it should be interesting to finally meet his character and see what new dynamic he brings to the overall story.
4. Did anyone else think it was Jack’s father, Christian Shephard, working on Sayid in that last scene? Earlier in the episode I thought it was his voice on the phone and even in the veterinarian’s office the voice of the “doctor” didn’t sound like Ben at all until a few seconds in. He definitely changed his voice until the big reveal.

5. This one is a bit of a stretch, but after learning of Sayid and Ben working together in the last scene does it make anyone suspicious that maybe Sayid started working for Ben in the scene where Ben, Locke and Sayid are meeting in the Others’ rec room? To see the three of them finally sit down and discuss the freighter, actually work together and trade Miles for Charlotte, and then how Sayid says he doesn’t trust the freighties makes me think some sort of deal was worked out then and there between Ben, Locke and Sayid on how to deal with these invaders.
We’re only a few days away from this week’s episode and I can’t wait. Every week seems to be getting better and better. I hope the Lost writers have something up there sleeve to top last week’s Flash Forward.