Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Reese Witherspoon Refuses Sex Scene With Vince Vaughn

Reese Witherspoon & Vince VaughnCinematical is reporting that things are not all hunky-dory on the set of the upcoming holiday romantic comedy Four Christmases starring Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn. According to the report the movie’s stars are at each other’s throats and have been feuding for a while. Evidently it all began with both actors upset over the other’s approach to movie making, “Witherspoon didn't like the fact that Vaughn would show up to the set unprepared, laid-back and ready to improv (after a long night at the bar), while Vaughn seemed pissed that Witherspoon refuses to lighten up and go with the flow.” (link) Now things on the Four Christmases set have gotten even worse and Reese is now refusing to perform a scripted sex scene between her character and Vaughn’s. (link) According to Cinematical, a spy from the set is reporting that “Reese has an issue with the scripted love scene. It is meant to be a funny, American Pie-style romp, full of bumps and laughs, but Reese is of such a prude, she thinks it's just too much.” (link)

The Break-Up

The Blot will tell you what’s too much for him, the fact that Reese Witherspoon can’t get over herself. I don’t know what Vince Vaughn is like in person, but I can tell you what he’s like on screen…pure comedy gold. It’s been a long time since the man made a bad film, probably since he tried to go all serious actor on us and made the horrific Psycho remake and those two kinda boring movies with Joaquin Phoenix, Clay Pigeons and Return To Paradise. Can any of our readers tell me what the last two movies Reese Witherspoon has made? If not it’s ok, you like most of America never saw them. They were Penelope with Christina Ricci and James McAvoy and Rendition with her new beau Jake Gyllenhaal. It just seems like Vaughn’s style connects with the American public while Reese is in sort of a career rut. So my advice to her is to try and go with the flow more and pull out a winner because your career could use the rebound. You can’t live off Legally Blonde and Walk The Line forever.


For those interested, Four Christmases centers around Witherspoon and Vaughn’s married couple running “the Christmas Day gauntlet as they strain to visit their divorced parents’ four separate households.” (link) Four Christmases is directed by Seth Gordon (King of Kong) and also stars Robert Duvall, Sissy Spacek, Dwight Yoakam, Mary Steenburgen, Jon Favreau and Tim McGraw. (link)