The only bad news to all this is that Wolfman and Perez were not invited back to do the writing and art for the book. Once again DC has decided to jinx a popular title from the very beginning by allowing Real World: San Francisco reject and comic book scribe Judd Winick (Green Arrow, Outsiders) to write the series. While not being the worst writer in the world, Winick typically has a hard time finding a character's voice and his books often under deliver to fans' expectations. My major complaint with Winick's writing is that he seems to create characters out of thin air whenever they might suit a particular storyline he wants to write with no respect for the damage that might cause to other characters’ continuity. At least DC did one thing right, and that is putting artist extraordinaire Ian Churchill (Justice League, Supergirl) on pencils. This guy is pretty amazing and his art is just beautiful.
Here’s a promo piece DC released for the new book teasing who will be apart of this latest incarnation of the team. Any guesses on who these arms might belong to?