In a statement released Tuesday by CBS Martin took “full responsibility” for her misleading comments. In the statement Denise said “I do not feel comfortable about accepting the $50,000. I would instead ask that it be donated to the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. Please accept my apology. I would also like to thank all the people who have supported me through this experience." (link)

Of course her school district was going to come out immediately and release a statement after she made them look terrible on live national television. Was she hoping they weren’t going to be watching that part because she had been eliminated earlier in the evening? She was in the final four, I’m sure the entire city was together cheering her on hoping for her to win the million dollars and then she slanders the same employer that has just given her three months off to compete and promote the show. It’s just a really sad situation and shows how low people are willing to sink for money.