Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Polyphonic Spree Are Back

Well back to Dallas at least. There was some talk that the Polyphonic Spree's Annual Holiday Extravaganza was not going to be taking place this year. But thankfully those rumors proved false as the 7th Annual Polyphonic Spree Holiday Extravaganza is taking place December 16th, 2007 at the Lakewood Theatre.
7th Annual Polyphonic Spree Holiday ExtravaganzaThere will actually be two shows that night and tickets for the early show (from 3:30-7:00 pm)are on sale now. Tickets for the later show (from 8:00-11:30 pm) go on sale Friday, Dec 7th. Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it up to Dallas for the show since it's on a Sunday night, but hopefully some readers in Dallas will attend and give us the scoop.

I’ve never been to a Polyphonic Spree holiday show but I hear they’re really fun…and what’s not to love when both shows end with Milk & Cookies!

The Polyphonic Spree are also giving away an exclusive holiday single in honor of the 7th Annual Holiday Extravaganza:

The Polyphonic Spree - Carol of the Bells {MP3}
(Right click on the above link and chose “Save Target As…” to download the MP3 to your computer)