Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Jessica Alba Is What!?!

Jessica Alba and Cash WarrenAccording to a exclusive, Jessica Alba, 26, is pregnant. The Blot knows at least one special reader who is going to be very upset with this news. Now all those years spent watching Dark Angel over and over again on DVD and sitting through dreck like Good Luck Chuck and Awake won’t pay off in that long distance romance he was hoping for.

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver SurferAlba and her boyfriend Cash Warren, 28, met on the set of The Fantastic Four, a movie so bad I still can’t figure out how it warranted a sequel. Alba stared in the movie while Warren was a director’s assistant. This does give hope to director’s assistants around the globe that they too can woo a big time Hollywood starlet, impregnate her and live off her fame (and fortune) for years to come. Not that that’s what Warren is doing of course, I’m sure they’re very in love, but I’m assuming the thought is now running through the heads of director’s assistants everywhere. Reese Witherspoon beware!