Monday, December 10, 2007

An Ice Cream Sandwich To Die For

If you ever find yourself near or around the UCLA campus you have to make a pit stop to Diddy Riese. The Blot went there for the very first time before the Texas/UCLA game and I already can't wait to go back.

Diddy Riese Diddy's is a really popular Ice Cream and Cookies shop right next to the UCLA campus and has been around since 1983. If you know anyone that went to UCLA ask them about it and I'm sure they'll have some fond memories. They're best known for their Ice Cream Sandwich which is any two cookies of your choice and a scoop of any flavor ice cream you want. The whole thing is $1.50, and honestly, it was the best $1.50 I've ever spent. Evidently they used to be only $1.25 but the price was recently raised .25 cents, which has sent shockwaves through UCLA's campus.

If you want to skip out on the ice cream, the cookies are only .35 cents each or 3 for $1 and they're pretty damn good on their own. So remember, if you're heading to Westwood or in the vicinity of UCLA trust The Blot and head over Diddy Riese. I've been told on weekend nights the line wraps around the block and there can be anywhere between 50-100 people in line so make sure to get their early and bring an appetite!

Diddy Riese
926 Broxton Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 208-0448