Thursday, December 13, 2007

Clemens Fingered As Steroids User In Mitchell Report

A source close to a former New York Yankees’ strength trainer spoke with ESPN The Magazine’s Shaun Assael and leaked what that strength trainer told the George Mitchell investigation. According to the source the former Yankees’ strength trainer told Mitchell he supplied Roger Clemens with steroids and that claim will be included in the Mitchell report to be released later today. (link)

Senator George Mitchell and Commissioner Bud Selig
According to the same ESPN report, Brian McNamee, who served as a personal trainer for Clemens and close friend/teammate Andy Pettitte, “also told investigators that on at least one occasion, Clemens was in possession of steroids from another supplier.” (link) Pettitte, it seems, has not been implicated in any way with steroid use.

It seems like today is going to be a dark day for baseball, especially if early reports hold true and several MVPs, All-Stars and Cy Young award winners are implicated in the Mitchell report. On the bright side, it should be a great day for Barry Bonds as there will finally be other Major League Baseball stars, both active and retired, who will now have to share the brunt of the media’s scrutiny and investigation into the steroid scandal with Bonds.