One of The Blot's favorite sites the past two years is
Threadless.com. If you've never been to the site before, it really is your one stop shop for cheap, trendy t-shirts for any occasion. The designs for the shirts are submitted by loyal customers and then voted on by the Threadless community. The company then chooses 5-7 designs per week to print up and sell on the site. Shirts do sell out but if its popular enough eventually
Threadless.com will reprint it. The site has really grown over the years and has even graduated to an actual brick and mortar retail store in Chicago.
They have a pretty huge selection so there's definitely something for everyone. Shirts are typically $15 + shipping, but if you time your purchase just right they often have sales where almost everything in stock is just $10. I've been meaning to talk about them for a while but was waiting for just the right shirt design. Luckily there were a few chosen this week that I really like so now I've got some designs to finally share over the next few weeks.
First up is
Muzak Homage by Tony Wood and its great...it comes in denim for guys and eggplant for girls.

What I like about it the most is that its a mixer and elevators, and as the music levels increase so too does the elevator riders' reaction to the music. If this catches your eye or you just want to see what other types of shirts they carry definitely head over to
Threadless.com and check them out...and don't forget to tell them The Blot sent you, ya hear?