Edit: Wanted to give an update to all The Blot Says... readers, evidently it wasn't ticket sales that caused the demise of the Houston show. According to The Polyphonic Spree's blog The Fragile Army, some members of Rooney came down with a bug and couldn't perform.
Since there's no show to post on, I'll share a few pics from the last time I saw the Polyphonic Spree. It was at the Blender/CK 2007 Lollapalooza after party at the Hard Rock Hotel in Chicago. It was a very small party comprised primarily of media and music execs and the Spree were on fire. Al and I had missed them earlier in the day at Grant Park since our flight got in after they had already performed, but thankfully we scored some VIP passes to see them that night. It was definitely one of the highlights of the weekend...plus Al got to meet Perez Hilton.