Many of The Blot’s fans know that I have, for many years now, had a great admiration for the Olsen Twins’ work. The Blot has tried to support them through thick and thin…the rumors of anorexia, drug use, excessive partying, etc. The Blot’s support has never waned. Until now that is. This is just gross. Maybe it’s all in my head, but the thought of LiveStrong Lance with little Michelle Tanner gives me the heebie jeebies.
2. Reid Has No Plans to Leave Eagles Despite Judge’s Criticism (Link)Is Andy Reid, head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles, the only one who doesn’t get it? Given the judge may have been out of line with some of the things he said and maybe he didn't know the whole story, but still, these two kids of Reid’s seem pretty out of control and I have to think his credibility with his players is at an all time low. If a player was caught dealing drugs, brandishing weapons, driving under the influence and smuggling drugs into prison I’m pretty sure they would be banned from the NFL for life. Obviously it wasn’t Coach Reid committing these offenses but I have to imagine it is taking its toll on him, the team and the entire organization. The best thing he can do is take a temporary leave of absence to help his children and let the Eagles try to find their way through their already tumultuous season.
3. Sources say Alex Rodriguez was looking for a $350 Million Dollar Deal from the Yankees (Link)Say what!?! Is this guy kidding? A-Rod is good, no wait he’s great. On second thought he is absolutely amazing. But no way, no how is this guy worth $350 Million Dollars. I’d feel better giving that much to a stud pitcher. At least a pitcher, in theory, can win a game on his own. A-Rod is still the player who has brought a cloud of losing with him to every team he’s been on since leaving Seattle. He should try winning a championship before talking about those staggering kinds of numbers. That contract would have been the most ridiculous American sports contract in the history of sports contracts. Besides, A-Rod definitely doesn't need to give the general public another reason to dislike him.
4. Music Label EMI Will Crack Down On Artists (Link)
While it’s probably a good thing one of the big music labels has finally decided to clean house and try to right its sinking ship, I would file this headline under “Too Little, Too Late.” It’s great that EMI wants to crack down on advances and crack down on artists they view as not pulling their own weight, but much of the blame and outrageousness of how artists are paid and dealt with can be attributed right back to the record labels. No other industry is handled as horribly as the music industry and these same labels had no problem doing it this way for decades. Of course back then the labels used these same business practices to routinely screw over their talent and make millions off them in the process. Now that albums don’t sell as well the artists are to blame? Seems to me there is still a demand for good music, just not what the music labels are trying to sell.