Evidently Dr. Pepper has decided the best way to promote their newest product, a Diet Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper, is to tie it in to Tay’s song “Chocolate Rain” and make a commercial with him! Did I miss something? Seems like a no brainer to me not to do this. In some ways it serves Dr. Pepper right. After buying a twelve pack of their Diet Berries & Crème Dr. Pepper I’m a little hesitant to try any of their new Diet Dr. Pepper flavors. And most likely a Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper concoction is probably disgusting.
Needless to say this video has to be seen to believe. It’s already spreading through the blogosphere like crazy and really should be watched at least once. My favorite part is the rap interlude by Mista Johnson (yeah, I’ve never heard of him either but you can check him out Here).
If you’re interested, here’s the original recording of Chocolate Rain. That is if you feel like subjecting yourself to it. I’d recommend watching at least the first 15 seconds of it…after that it just repeats over and over and over again.
Tay Zonday’s website can be found at www.tayzonday.com, it’s pretty incomplete with most of the sections saying “Coming Soon” but could actually be updated one day.